The Full Story
Pixie Dust Birth Services LLC was founded in 2018 with the goal to make the transition from new parent into the fourth trimester a smooth and enjoyable experience. We provide comprehensive placenta encapsulation services to ensure the process is as easy as possible for you, including our convenient online store, contracts and frequently asked questions page.
How does the pick up process work?
Once you book Placenta Encapsulation with me, I am officially on call for your birth.
I ask that you contact me once you are officially admitted to the hospital/birth center or your midwife is heading to you. I will pick up your placenta within a few hours of birth or ask that your doula or support person bring it home with them so I may meet them. The placenta needs to be placed on ice or in a refrigerator within 2 hours of birth. There are some hospitals in CT that do not allow the placenta to be released until you are discharged, in that case I will meet you at your home or make plans for pick up. Please talk to your care provider so they are aware you are planning to encapsulate and they can inform you of all procedures and policies.
What is the difference between the Steamed & the Raw methods of preparation?
The non-steamed or raw method skips the steaming process and goes right to slicing and dehydrating. You often will experience more potent capsules as well as receiving a higher quantity of capsules. The steamed method involves lightly steaming the placenta. This method does provide a more gentle dose than with the Non-Steamed method, and often less capsules. It also infuses the placenta with heat. In many cultures new mothers are told to only consume food and drinks that bring warmth to the body to expedite healing.
What is a Placenta Tincture?
In addition to your placenta capsules you will also receive a placenta tincture. Placenta tinctures can be used in addition to and long after your capsules are gone, during times of trauma, transition, or emotional distress, postpartum anxiety, premenstrual symptoms, and more. Your placenta tincture is made by tincturing a small amount of the placenta in a high grade, 100 proof alcohol and will be ready for use when your baby is six weeks old. It is recommended to allow the placenta to steep for at least six weeks before use but for maximum benefit we recommend letting it steep for a full 6 months. Shaking it periodically will help it steep thoroughly. The tincture is very shelf-stable if kept sealed and in a cool dark place, such as a cupboard, and will last for many years. Tincture may be taken by placing it in a small glass of water or juice. Do not take directly on the tongue. Dosage is included on the bottle label, but 7-10 drops is the normal recommended amount to take and may be taken a few times a day if needed.
What if they take my placenta to pathology?
In the rare case that your physician feels that your placenta needs to go to pathology you can ask that they examine the placenta in the room, or only take a small piece for testing. If for any reason your placenta goes to pathology it will no longer be able to be encapsulated.
Certain hospitals in CT do require the placenta be taken to pathology before discharge, such as Stamford Hospital & UCONN. Please reach out if this is the hospital you are delivering at so we can discuss pick up.
When will I get my products back?
We will do our best to get your products back to you as soon as possible. Considering we are a one man band you will likely receive your products back within 4-5 business days. Please be aware this could be longer based on the amount of pick ups we have that week.